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Best Foam Roller for Runners! How Pulseroll Aids Recovery - Pulseroll
beat foam roller for runners

Best Foam Roller for Runners! How Pulseroll Aids Recovery

Whether you’re a marathon runner or just enjoy the casual jog, at some point you will have suffered from muscle soreness and fatigue, prompting you to ask yourself the question “what is the best fo...

Category_Tips & TricksVibrating Foam Roller for Lats While Sitting - Pulseroll

Vibrating Foam Roller for Lats While Sitting

As one the largest muscles in the upper body, the latissimus dorsi (lats) starts at the back and covers part of the rib cage, iliac crest (hip) and the inferior angle of the scapula. It plays an im...

Category_Tips & TricksFoam Roller Exercise for Hands - Pulseroll

Foam Roller Exercise for Hands

If you’re experiencing muscle soreness in the hands after training, it could be triggered by certain exercises. This can be common after weight lifting, or any other activities which require flexio...